As we move from 2016 into 2017, naturally we tend to reflect on the year we leave behind and hope the year ahead will be a better one.
Numerous comments on Facebook, regarding the quantity of the demise of much loved actors, singers and entertainers have been of the same mind with respect to the apparent fact that there has been more 'Celebrities' die this year than in any previous one. I believe around 53 million people die per year so it's inevitable that some of them will be well known to us.
How will we react to this? Will we remember 2016 as the year that we appeared to loose so many of our favourite celebrities or will we choose to look back on the good things, the happy things that happened in our lives?
This in no way means that I too wasn't affected by the loss of my favourite entertainers. I am also fully aware and respect the fact that a celebrity has a family and close friends to mourn for them.
I am also not saying that those of us who have lost loved ones shouldn't be remembering 2016 as the year they went to be with the Lord, of course we should.
It's a general point, as people have a tendency to forget all the good in the world and all the great things that do happen to us and fixate on the negative. I've even heard people say "And next year won't be any better"!
Yes there is sadness in our lives but there is also great joy if we look for it.
We have a choice - We can choose to to go into 2017 with a negative attitude of doom and gloom or we can choose to make 2017 a positive experience for everyone we encounter and try to be just a little nicer to each other.
The choice is yours - Happy New Year and may God Bless You.